Jumat, 26 Oktober 2018

Un endroit que vous devez visiter si vous êtes en vacances à Lombok

Si vous souhaitez trouver un lieu de vacances préféré autre que Bali, Lombok est une destination inattendue qui mérite d'être prise en compte.


1. Étendue de savane au bord d'une falaise: Lingkoq Datu, Penyisok Beach

Pour arriver ici, il faut traverser des champs de maïs et des rochers escarpés. Mais tous ces efforts ont porté leurs fruits immédiatement quand ils ont vu la splendeur naturelle qui se cache derrière. Mais tous ces efforts ont porté leurs fruits immédiatement quand ils ont vu la splendeur naturelle derrière tout ça.
Lieu: village de Sekaroh, district de Jerowaru, Regency East Lombok.

2. La beauté panoramique du mont Rinjani et l'étendue de rizières du haut de la colline: la colline de Pergasingan

Des parcelles de rizières et des jardins colorés entourés de hautes chaînes de montagnes, ainsi qu'un ciel bleu qui s'étire sont très apaisants pour les yeux. Depuis un endroit devenu un parc touristique naturel, vous pouvez même voir la splendeur du mont Rinjani.
Situé à 1 670 mètres d'altitude ou à environ 673 mètres de la plaine de Sembalun, Bukit Pergasingan peut être escaladé pendant 2 à 2,5 heures et est souvent utilisé comme terrain d'entraînement avant de gravir le mont Rinjani.
Lieu: Village de Sembalun, District de Sembalun, East Lombok

Comment s'y rendre: De Mataram City à Sembalun, il faut compter 4-5 heures. De Sembalun à la zone touristique naturelle de Bukit Pergasingan, vous pouvez utiliser une voiture ou une moto. Puis l'ascension commence.

3. sur une autre planète: la plage de Semeti

Avez-vous déjà regardé un film de Superman? Oui, l’atmosphère autour de cette plage est semblable à première vue à celle de Planet Krypton?
Les formations rocheuses et les roches environnantes sont effilées et stratifiées comme des parois de cristal trouvées dans le Krypton Panet. C’est la raison pour laquelle cette plage s’appelle aussi Krypton Beach. En fait, certaines formations coralliennes ressemblent à des pyramides qui dépassent de la surface de la mer. Le chemin jusqu’à cet endroit est assez raide et sinueux, portez donc des chaussures antidérapantes, car vous devez également passer les mètre.
Et derrière les falaises, le phénomène naturel de la plage de Semeti est différent des autres.
Lieu: Village de Mekar Sari, district de West Praya, centre de Lombok
Comment arriver? Depuis la ville de Mataram jusqu'à la plage de Semeti en 2,5 heures. Il est recommandé d’utiliser la moto ici, car même si la route de la plage est bonne mais assez étroite et peut gêner le temps. Depuis le poste de paiement des taxes pour accéder à la plage, suivez l'itinéraire pendant 1 km, puis tournez à gauche en direction de la plage de Semeti et à droite si vous souhaitez aller à la plage de Mawi.

4. 'Cascade' au bord de la mer: plage de Nambung

Ce phénomène naturel tout à fait unique est créé par les grosses vagues qui s'écrasent dans la paroi rocheuse puis retombent dans la mer comme une cascade.
Pour obtenir les meilleures photos, vous devez descendre au bas de la falaise. Préparez-vous donc à porter un sac imperméable car vous traverserez les grosses vagues.
Si vous êtes intéressé par le surf, n'oubliez pas d'apporter votre propre équipement car il n'y a pas de location ici. Les eaux autour de cette plage sont également très claires, donc fraîches pour la baignade.
Mais souvenez-vous, ici, il n’ya pas d’installations auxiliaires comme des toilettes publiques.
Lieu: hameau de Pengantap, village des Golden Buwun, district de Sekotong, ouest de Lombok
Comment arriver: Depuis la ville de Mataram, le trajet Mataram - Gerung - Pertigangan Lembar est à 2 heures à gauche - Teluk Sepi - Dining. L'accès par la route est très bon et pavé. À votre arrivée à Pantai Nambung, vous pouvez laisser un véhicule chez des personnes munies d'un parking sécurisé. Pour arriver ici n'est pas trop difficile, mais en cas de doute, vous pouvez demander aux habitants.

5. Grand Canyon dans l'est de l'Indonésie

Les imposantes falaises de cette plage de sable noir ont un aspect si unique et exotique. À première vue, rappelez-vous le canyon du Grand Canyon en Amérique.
La falaise à la texture incurvée ressemblant à des sculptures provient de la terrible éruption du mont Rinjani Tua ou des Samalas de 1257 Les dépôts nuageux qui transportent divers matériaux rencontrent ensuite l'eau de mer froide et se sont ensuite éjectés dans le sol, formant une colline sur la Cliff Beach.
Si vous êtes suffisamment désespéré et que vous souhaitez escalader cette falaise, faites attention aux positions instables et potentiellement dangereuses.
Lieu: Luk Hamlet, village de Sambiq Bangkol, district de Gangga, nord de Lombok
S'y Rendre: Cet endroit est à environ 42 km au nord de la ville de Mataram ou à environ une heure et demie. Vous pouvez utiliser une voiture, une moto ou les transports en commun. Le tarif des transports en commun depuis le terminal Mandalika de Mataram jusqu'à la plage de Tebing est d'environ 25 000 IDR par personne. Cette plage est derrière le SMPN 2, avec un accès à l’autoroute à 200 mètres environ.

6. Monument naturel qui se dresse fermement sur la plage: Batu Payung, Tanjung Aan

L'existence de cette pierre en forme de tour semble très frappante par rapport à son environnement.
D'une certaine direction, cela ressemble à un doigt géant qui s'étend dans l'espace.
Il semble impossible de ne pas regarder cette extraordinaire formation naturelle. De manière unique, si elle est vue depuis une direction différente, la forme changera également. Même d'un côté, la forme ressemblera à un profil de visage humain.
Vous pouvez trouver cette pierre à environ 1 km à l'est de Tanjung Aan. Tout au long du trajet, vous pourrez admirer des vues sur les hautes falaises peuplées d'oiseaux et de chauves-souris.
Lieu: Jalan Kuta Lombok, centre de Lombok
S'y Rendre: Cette plage de la côte sud de Lombok est accessible depuis la ville de Mataram pendant 2 heures. Mais si vous êtes de l'aéroport international de Lombok, seulement 30 minutes. Batu Payung et Tanjung Aan se trouvent toujours sur le même littoral, mais aller à Batu Payung dépend des hauts et des bas de l'eau de mer. Lors de l'installation, vous pouvez louer un bateau et y naviguer. Mais à marée basse, depuis le parking, vous pouvez vous rendre à Batu Payung en seulement 20 minutes.

explore and get to know cultural traditions in Indonesia

Indonesia is an archipelago that has many ethnicities, tribes, and beliefs. So it is not wrong that from the west to the east end, Indonesia has a variety of unique traditions that vary from region to region. this tradition is still maintained until now, so you can still see how this tradition lives side by side with society.                  Curious about what unique traditions make Indonesia different from others? Let's read right away!

1. Ritual Tiwah - Central Kalimantan

In Central Kalimantan there is a special tradition carried out for people who have long since died. This Tiwah ceremony is usually carried out by the Dayak tribe for the delivery of dead people's bones to a house called Sandung. This ritual aims to straighten the journey of the soul to Lewu Tatau or heaven. Besides this unique ritual also aims to release bad luck for the family that has been left behind.

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2. Cut Finger Tradition - Papua

This extreme tradition is indeed left behind by the Dani tribe. Finger cutting is a tradition to show sadness because left by family members. For the Dani Jari tribe has a deeper meaning, symbolized as a form of harmony, unity, and strength in humans or a family.
Dani are a group of tribes who inhabit the Baliem Valley region in the Central Mountains, Papua. Their settlements are between Bukit Ersberg and Grasberg which contain gold, silver and copper. Dani tribes are known for hundreds of years ago as skilled farmers and have used tools / tools which at the beginning were found to have known the technology of using stone axes, knives made from animal bones, bamboo and also spears made using excavated wood which is known to be very strong and heavy. They depend on life from nature by farming as their main activity. Every day, the Dani people grow vegetables and then harvest and sell them to the market. Even from the way they dress, they are still wearing a lot of '' koteka '' (male genitalia) made of kunden / pumpkin and the women use wah clothes from grass / fiber and live in "honai-honai" (huts with thatched roofs) / weeds). Major and religious ceremonies, tribal warfare is still carried out (although not as big as before).

3. Pointed Tooth of the Mentawai Tribe - Kalimantan

Mentawai women consider their beauty seen from sharp teeth. The sharpened tradition of this tooth is called Toothpick which has been done for a long time.
The purpose of tooth gravel is to look beautiful and attractive in the eyes of men around him. Besides that, as a marker of female maturity and is believed to also provide happiness and peace.
They also believe that if you have sharp teeth you have happiness and peace of mind. Mentawai women also believe that those with pointed teeth have more value.
The process of tooth grafting is carried out by the customary leader. Teeth that will be sharpened are not given anesthesia.
The tools used are made of iron or wood that has been sharpened sharply. Of course this ritual process is painful, therefore before the process usually the Mentawai Tribe women bite green bananas.
Even in the process, not for a moment because the tapered teeth are not just 1 or 2. Tapered teeth will be made like triangles.

Funeral Tradition Minahasa Tribe - North Sulawesi
Every tradition that exists in this area always gives its own symbolic elements or meanings as well as the burial traditions in the Minahasa Tribe. The corpse was faced to the north which indicates that the ancestors of the Minahasa tribe came from the northern part of a region. After that the body was buried in a stone building where the Minahasa tribe was named as waruga which became a burial tool typical of the Minahasa.
A unique cemetery that utilizes stones in the Minahasa tribe which is called waruga is taken from two words, Waru and ruga. Which in Minahasa language Waru means house, while Ruga which has the meaning of body, literally waruga means a house where the body is where the body will return to the Creator. Indeed, basically every tradition is always shown to the Creator who created the earth with this whole thing, so you also should not be surprised if the funeral traditions of the Minahasa Tribe are also interpreted as a way of life to achieve the pleasures of heaven into a real and eternal life.

5.Bau Nyale Tradition - South Lombok
Bau nyale is a term that is often used by the Lombok archipelago sasak community. Where "Bau" in Indonesian means capturing while "Nyale" is a sea worm classified as a type of annelida phylum.

Bau Nyale tradition is one of the hereditary traditions carried out hundreds of years ago. The beginning of this tradition no one knows for sure. But based on the contents of the sasak babad that is trusted by the community, this tradition has been going on since before 16 centuries ago.

Speaking of the Bau Nyale issue, it is certain that it will relate to the legendary story of the public's memory of Princess Mandalika. Beautiful and beautiful princesses contested by many princes from various kingdoms. The princess was born from the womb of an empress named Dewi Seranting and the king of Tonjang Beru. This king and empress are very famous for his humility and authority.

Likewise with the daughter who was born. Apparently the inheritance of character from both parents became inherited in the spirit of the princess. When he grew up he was greatly respected by many people due to the softness of his heart and greetings to the local community.

This is where Nyale's history began.

 Besides the beautiful face and softness of the king's daughter, many of the princes from other sasak tribes began to target Princess Mandalika to be empress.

Senin, 22 Oktober 2018

Vacation destination on Indonesia

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Vacation is one of the most effective ways to relieve stress due to tedious routines and work. No need to travel abroad or spend money in expensive shopping centers, because Indonesia also has lots of interesting places waiting to be explored soon. From sea and beach tourism, mountains, lakes, forests, and many others.
there is a list of tourist attractions that are suitable as a vacation destination with family, including:

1. Pulau Peucang – Banten
Pulau Peucang - Banten
Once satisfied exploring Sumatra, let's cross to the south, namely Java. At the westernmost tip of Java Island itself there is an interesting tourist spot that must not be missed, namely Peucang Island. The island is located just to the east of the Ujun Kulon National Park and has a stunning view. On an island that has been legalized as a UNESCO cultural heritage site, you can easily find a variety of Banten's unique flora and fauna, such as deer, Javanese bulls, green peacocks, langurs, and so on. To be able to enjoy the white sand and blue sea of ​​Peucang Island, you need to go through the ferry dock located in Sumur District (about 9 hours from Tangerang). But believe me, tiredness will pay off once you set foot in this hidden paradise that Banten has.

2. Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru – Jawa Timur

Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru - Jawa Timur
East Java has one tourist charm whose beauty is undeniable, even by tourists from various parts of the world. Yes, what else if not Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park? This tourist attraction in the form of a national park located in 4 regencies in East Java itself has many interesting objects that should not be missed, ranging from Mount Bromo and Semeru, the sea of ​​sand, Berbisik Beach, Madakaripura Waterfall, Ranu Pane, Ranu Kumbolo, and others others are all beautiful. Access to TNBTS is fairly easy, you just need to follow the route to Mount Bromo. Even though the road is quite extreme, everything will be paid off if you arrive at the location.

3.Nusa Dua - Bali

let's shift to the Island of the Gods, Bali. Who is not remembered by the beauty of this one Thousand Gods Island? The charm is so charming that it makes foreign tourists flock to travel here every year. Well, in Bali there is one tourist place that is so beautiful, namely Nusa Dua. This beach tourism object has soft white sand with clear blue sea water. Besides being able to surf on the beach, you will also be spoiled with various facilities around the location, ranging from international-class inns and resorts, restaurants, shopping centers, and many others.

4.Gunung Rinjani – Lombok, NTB

in NTB there is also one other tourist spot that is not less popular among tourists, namely Mount Rinjani. This mountain is the second highest volcano in Indonesia. Every year, there are hundreds of thousands of climbers who struggle to conquer the peak of Rinjani at an altitude of 3,726 meters above sea level, especially on the eve of August 17. That said, Mount Rinjani is a mountain with the most beautiful scenery in Asia. Here also there is an expanse of edelweiss flowers and Segara Anak Lake which is a spot attracting climbers to set up tents, take a warm bath, or fish. Well, before deciding to climb, make the preparation as long as possible. Not only provision of climbing, but also mental and stamina. Most climbers give up in the middle of the road because they don't have proper preparation.

5.Raja Ampat – Papua Barat

The Raja Ampat Islands in West Papua save tremendous tourism potential. That said, this tourist spot is the best underwater diving location in the world because of the diversity of underwater fauna and flora it has. According to researchers, 75% of the total coral reefs around the world are found in Raja Ampat. No wonder many foreign travelers are crazy about the beauty of Raja Ampat tourism. If visiting here, try staying at the Pinisi boat located on the location. Even though the price is quite expensive (Rp. 100 million for 14 people during the week), you will get an unforgettable travel experience. Access to Raja Ampat is quite easy, from Domine Eduard Osok Airport in Sorong, the journey continues by using public transportation to Sorong Port. Don't forget, here you have to register to enter the Raja Ampat tourist area. From Sorong Port, you can take a public boat to the capital city of Raja Ampat and look for cheap lodging there. Well, to get to the dive location, you can rent a speedboat provided around the location.